Laura's Favorite OTC Remedies for Cold Season

Let’s face it, in spite of our best efforts we all get sick sometimes. Many of us would prefer a “natural” option to a pharmaceutical one, but the health aisle in the grocery store can be overwhelming. Since the FDA doesn’t regulate herbal medicine, there are a lot of products out there making claims about what they can do. So where you do start? As a trained herbalist, I want to share with you my favorite over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for cold season. Please know that none of these are sponsored, they’re just my personal go-tos. Whether you’re feeling under the weather, your kiddos keep bringing home new germs, your coworkers are sneezing up a storm, or you just want a preventative boost to stay healthy as the seasons shift, read on for my favorite herbal remedies to have on hand.

Tailored Herbs from Laura McKinley Acupuncture

Okay, okay, I know it’s a plug. But hear me out. Chinese medicine doesn’t look at the common cold as one illness, but instead a variety of different conditions. Western medicine does this too, we differentiate between cold and flu, right? Well, in Chinese medicine, we differentiate between cold and cold and cold, and flu and flu and flu. Of course, we are also all susceptible to different colds based on the individual factors inside our own body. That’s why you might have the sniffles, your sister gets a cough, and your best friend comes down with a fever. Herbs which are tailored for your particular type of cold are the best way to get you feeling better faster. I always have at least three herbal formulas at the ready in my home, just in case a bug comes around. Chat with me at your next appointment about which formulas are the best to keep on hand in your home. I also have a basic immune-tonic formula which you can take year-round to keep your body’s little immune soldiers armed and at the ready. Personally, I take it daily!

Got the Flu? Try Oscillococcinum by Boiron

Oscillococcinum is my #1 favorite homeopathic remedy to treat flu symptoms and shorten the time you’re forced to lie in bed binging on Netflix. Start taking as soon as you feel flu-ish and be amazed at how quickly you’re feeling back to yourself. Vegetarians and vegans, the active ingredient in Oscillococcinum is an animal-product, so it may not be the best option for you.

Chest Feeling Tight? Try Bronchial Wellness Syrup by Gaia

Gaia Herbs’s Bronchial Wellness Syrup is a staple in my home. I absolutely love this formula, especially for Coloradans. One of the main herbs in the syrup, grindelia, grows wild in the Rocky Mountains. Local herbs are often ideal for local common colds, and grindelia is a knockout when it comes to Colorado’s dryness. This syrup is great at releasing chest congestion, balancing moisture in the lungs, and boosting immunity. From feeling a little wheezy to battling the cough at the end of a cold, Bronchial wellness Syrup is all about family-friendly lung support.

Traditional Medicinal Herbal Teas

You’ve seen ‘em in my office and you know I love ‘em. My home is always stocked with a variety of Traditional Medicinal Herbal Teas. Their Gypsy Cold Care, Breathe Easy, and Throat Coat are my personal favorites for helping to boost immunity and treat symptoms of common cold. Extra bonus? The more herbal tea you have, the more hydrated you are, and the more resources your body has to help fight the bug at hand. Be sure to let the tea steep for a while before drinking; you can even put a small plate over the cup while it steeps to trap in the aromatic, cold-fighting herbs inside. No need to only choose one type, I often pop two or three different teabags into my mug when I start to feel sniffly.

Common Cold? Try Cold Snap

As we’ve already covered, in Chinese herbal medicine, different herbal formulas treat different types of common cold. Cold Snap by OHCO combines key herbs in few different Chinese herbal cold-fighting formulas. This means it is effective at treating a variety of different types of cold. If you can’t make it into my office to pick up a formula tailored for your exact type of cold, swing by the grocery and grab some Cold Snap. Start taking as soon as you start to feel a smidge under the weather.

Looking for More Ways to Stay Healthy During Cold Season?

Check out my tips from Chinese medicine on staying healthy; or step into your kitchen and cooke up your own immune-boosting homemade bone broth and elderberry syrup.